02 Oct Sit-Stand Desks
Standing Desks: Take 2. Standing desks need to fit the height of their user and this has been a problem for a lot of folks. Enter the Bekant Desk from https://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S19022530/IKEA USA. This work surface goes up and down at the touch of a button. It can accommodate a VERY tall person who chooses to stand, and it will go down close to the floor for great Lego building! We love this desk and regularly recommend it to clients.
When working with students, we will often raise or lower the work surface to accommodate the ergonomic needs and work preferences of our clients. The quick shorthand is that our desk is usually raised for creative work (preparation of large format study guides, paper and project planning/outlining, information synthesis within or between topics), and lowered for typing and work that requires careful fine motor skills. Of course, we’re flexible and guided by our clients’ preferences.
Sometimes we’ll find that the desk has gone up and down a handful of times during a session based on the minute-to-minute needs of the work at hand. Yes, we encourage this. We want people to begin to realize when they are most efficient in their workspace.