01 May Are your ducks in a row? Final exams are quickly approaching.
Now is the time to begin thinking about finals! Here are BLUBERYL’s 6 tips to rock the final weeks of the school year:
1. Carefully consider each class and make sure that ALL homework and projects are turned in. Even if you doubt that you can still get credit for missing assignments, complete them. Check in with your teachers and let them know your intention to make up any past due work. They’ll appreciate your commitment. Nothing outstanding? GREAT!
2. Review all due dates for work to be completed between now and finals. Find your test dates (and locations), too.
3. Get those due dates/exam dates on your calendar, and chunk backwards to prepare for the deadlines! If you don’t have the BLUBERYL BIG Get Organized May calendar page up on a wall, get it there! This month’s calendar could prove golden in trying to manage the onslaught of end-of-the-year activities, projects, and exams.
4. Get your binders in order. Hole punch, staple, find missing papers, and PRINT any notes you have taken on your laptop. Organize your binders and make sure everything is in the right place! Yes, PRINT! We know that printing those notes and putting them in your binders for review will increase your efficiency during final exam prep.
5. Begin to listen for any last minute hints given by teachers about the final exams. Are the exams full year, cumulative exams? Do they just cover part of the year? Are they cumulative but with an emphasis on some recently taught material? Listen for and jot down those hints.
6. Are there any papers that need to be completed? Upcoming projects? Lab reports? Remember, you have much more control over the outcome of assignments and projects that are not exams, so we want to make the most of those! They can cushion a final grade if there is also an end-of-term exam in the class.
Lastly, reach out if you have questions. We’re only an email away!